Training & Exercises
A selection of references, training resources, and videos has been compiled below to assist emergency management and public safety personnel (law enforcement, fire, EMS) with training and exercises related to an active assailant incident.
Tactical Combat Casualty Care Guidelines for BLS/ALS Medical Providers
The Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care used the military battlefield guidelines of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) in the development of civilian specific medical guidelines for high threat operations. This site offers the phases of care and guidelines for BLS/ALS Medical Providers.
Mass Casualty Incident Response – FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness
Mass Casualty Incident Response Training
This link is for a course from the FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness and provides mass casualty triage education and practical experience in the application of the SALT (Sort, Assess, Lifesaving Interventions, Treatment/Transport) Mass Casualty Triage Algorithm. The instruction addresses global sorting of mass casualties, assessment of individual patients, the performance of on-scene lifesaving interventions, and the treatment, stabilization, and transport of patients for further treatment in a healthcare facility. Note: A FEMA Student ID number is required to register for this course.
ALERRT Program Training – Course Catalog
The ALERRT program was developed for first responders to address the need for active shooter response training. This provides trainings that are offered, research via in-depth after-action lessons learned, and information on the annual National Integrated Response Conference.
Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) – Training Catalog
This training catalog includes several courses for first responders on active shooters and the response required. Some of the courses are for law enforcement only; other courses include fire and EMS.
Stop the Bleed®
One of the best ways to increase a person’s likelihood of survival when severely injured during active assailant incident is to quickly stop severe bleeding. Coworkers can provide initial life-saving measures. The Stop the Bleed® site provides resources on how to organize an in-person training, life-saving strategies and posters, instructional videos, and aid kits to place in common areas.