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This page provides a variety of resources related to the prevention of, preparedness for, and response to active assailant incidents.  The materials are divided into general prevention and early intervention resources, as well as sector or audience-specific materials relevant to specific industries, communities, or events.

If you have resources you would like to submit for review and posting to our website please click here.

Prevention and Early Intervention Resources

In the aftermath of tragic active assailant events, it is common to learn about warning signs that were presented but not acted upon and observed regarding the assailant.  Of course, not everyone who shows signs of concerning behaviors will escalate to mass violence.  While it’s simple to say “see something, say something,” it’s challenging to know who to turn to or how to get an individual who may need help the right kind of assistance.  The following resources will provide a background in understanding and identifying concerning behaviors, grievances, and signs that an individual may be moving from grievance to ideation and planning, preparing for, and implementing an attack.

Critical Incident Reviews

Following active assailant events, critical incident reviews, or after action reports (AARs), are completed to document and analyze key elements of success and areas for improvement identified during the response. These retrospective analyses memorialize lessons learned and enable the whole community to prepare for, respond to, and recover from active assailant incidents. 

AAIWG-Developed Products

The AAIWG has developed a collection of guidance documents related to various aspects of active assailant preparedness, response, and recovery.

Resources for Specific Audience Groups

A curated list of resources has been developed for each audience group listed below. Click on the appropriate audience group to see links to resources to assist with further prevention and preparedness activities.