Governor Moore welcomes you to the Active Assailant Interdisciplinary Work Group’s collection of online resource materials for the prevention of, planning for, and response and recovery preparedness of active assailant incidents. This collection of resources is designed for public and private sector entities, communities, and individuals to work together to ensure a safe, secure, and resilient Maryland for all.

The purpose of the Maryland Active Assailant Interdisciplinary Work Group (AAIWG) is to identify, update, and share best practices and current activities to help Maryland prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from active assailant incidents. The AAIWG’s multidisciplinary membership includes subject matter experts from across the State. The AAIWG meets at least quarterly to carry out its mission.

The AAIWG was informally convened in the aftermath of the tragic Washington Navy Yard shooting that occurred in September 2013. To provide guidance to Marylanders about preparing for and responding to active assailant incidents, the AAIWG published a guidance document in October 2014. At the time, very little formal guidance was available to support governmental and private sector entities in preparing for and/or preventing active assailant incidents. On February 28, 2018, Governor Hogan issued Executive Order 01.01.2018.08 authorizing the AAIWG as a public body and setting forth new goals and objectives for the AAIWG and Executive Branch agencies. The Executive Order further specified some of the membership required for the AAIWG. Once convened, the AAIWG created a Charter and drafted a Work Plan to achieve the objectives outlined in the Executive Order. The AAIWG has also held a symposium for stakeholders throughout the State of Maryland, and the Co-Chairs and members of the group serve as active participants and leaders throughout Maryland and the National Capital Region in all facets of active assailant prevention, preparedness, and response.
Recognizing the significant developments made in the realm of active assailant prevention and preparedness since 2014, and the importance of sharing information as it becomes available, the AAIWG determined that presenting guidance to its State, federal and local government stakeholders; the critical infrastructure sectors; and the general public would be most effective via a website. This website provides practical, evidence-based guidance to Maryland’s stakeholders and updated regularly.