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MCSS Best Practices Guidelines for Active Assailant Emergency Preparedness Exercises & Training

BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR ACTIVE ASSAILANT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Exercises and Training Developed by the Maryland Center for School Safety (MCSS), this document serves as a resource for public school leaders by providing guidelines and best practices for planning and conducting active assailant training and drills.

Safe and Sound Schools This organization was founded by parents who lost children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown CT.  It is a national non-profit school safety advocacy and resource center that provides research-based tools and support for crisis prevention, response, and recovery.

Safe Schools Maryland – Maryland Center for School Safety Safe Schools Maryland by the Maryland Center for School Safety is the state’s only officially ANONYMOUS and FREE reporting system available to students, teachers, school staff members, parents, and the general public to report any school or student safety ​concerns, including mental health concerns. Safe Schools Maryland operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days  Read the Rest…

Maryland State Department of Education – Emergency Planning for School Systems and Schools

2019 EPguide – MSDE Official guidance from the Maryland State Department of Education. This site offers the guidelines created to assist local school systems and schools in developing new plans and in reviewing and updating existing plans. The planning process includes identifying and analyzing hazards in the school and community and taking measures to mitigate  Read the Rest…

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) for K-12

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) for K-12 The Standard Response Protocol developed by the “I Love U Guys” Foundation is action-based, flexible, and easy to learn. The 2021 update to the SRP includes organized tactics for responding to threats to student safety, with the goal being that everyone is on the same page as to  Read the Rest…

Active Shooter Situations: Responding to an Active Shooter Situation This site is the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools’ Technical Assistance Center. It contains several sections on school Emergency Operations Plans and what they should include to minimize loss of life as well as teach and train best practices.

K-12 School Active Aggressor Toolkit (Ohio Emergency Management Agency) The Ohio Emergency Management Agency, in cooperation with the Ohio School Safety Center within Ohio Homeland Security, has developed the K-12 School Active Aggressor Tabletop Exercise Toolkit. This toolkit was adapted from material provided by Cuyahoga County’s ReadyEx initiative. This free exercise resource is designed to help primary and secondary school staff, first responders,  Read the Rest…

Maryland’s Model Behavioral Threat Assessment Policy for K-12 Public Schools An overview of behavioral threat assessment practice in Maryland’s public schools, applicable to students, staff, and visitors to the school grounds.

Summary Overview Report: Student Threat Assessment As a Safe and Supportive Prevention Strategy (February 2020) A summary of a U.S. Department of Justice grant-funded research project on the implementation and outcomes of behavioral threat assessment teams and practices across multiple school systems in Virginia following the mandate for implementation in 2013, the efficacy of those programs on early intervention and prevention of harm to self or others, and recommendation  Read the Rest…

Sandy Hook Promise: Gun Violence Warning Signs This video created by the Sandy Hook Promise presents a scenario that creates thought provoking insight into signs of a possible active assailant in a school environment but can be as relevant in other locations. Sandy Hook Promise is a nonprofit organization formed in Newtown, CT, following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. The  Read the Rest…