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Mass Violence Advisory Initiative The Mass Violence Advisory Initiative (MVAI) provides peer-to-peer assistance to law enforcement leaders following a mass violence event to maximize the safety and wellness of officers, other first responders, and the community.

IACP Law Enforcement Policy Center Active Shooter Concepts and Issues Paper The discussion paper from the International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Policy Center is designed to accompany the Model Policy on Active Shooter and provides guidance for law enforcement agencies.

Active Assailant Exercises – Weapons Guidance

Active Assailant Exercises Weapons Guidance – Feb 2024 The AAIWG’s First Responder Guidelines Subcommittee developed this document to identify considerations for planning, conducting, and evaluating active assailant exercises when weapons (e.g., firearms, simunitions, flash bang grenades, etc.) are used as part of exercise play.

Ballistic Protective Equipment Guidance & Recommendations for Fire/Rescue/EMS

Body Armor for EMS Guidance Recommendations – Dec 2023 The AAIWG’s First Responder Guidelines Subcommittee developed this document to identify considerations fire and emergency medical services response organizations may make prior to procuring ballistic personal protective equipment, or body armor, for active assailant or other high threat/volatile response.